But I started thinking - why did I stop using the library? When did I convince myself that in order to read, it had to be with a new book from the bookstore? So, I went to the library and got myself a library card, something I have not had in about 15 years. I had to look up where the library was (just a short walk from my house actually) and figure out when it was open (longer than I expected) and I went and got my library card. And, you know what I found? I found a great resource that I have not been taking advantage of. The library is way more convenient than I ever realized, with online reservation of books, telling me exactly where I am on a wait list and the ability to pick up the book at my branch of choice. And the activity in the library - wow, I felt like I was the only one who had forgotten about the library when I walked in and saw all the people there! It was as though time had transported me back and I remembered that feeling of going to the library and getting my book stamped with the recognitition for the books I read and it made me realize that, sustainable practices aside, I liked the feeling of going back to something that had been the place of so many happy memories for me. And, next time I get the urge to spend hours exploring books, I have my library card in hand to do just that.
I am never going to be a Kindle kind of girl - while I can appreciate all the arguments for being able to carry 500 books with me and the convenience of zoom in to make the print larger, I would miss the feel of a book in my hands, the smell of the pages and the familiar sound of those pages turning as I get lost in the stories. But I also don't know if buying a book every time I want to read is the best way either so it's back to my childhood and back to the library. I am even thinking about starting my own summer reading program - maybe my prize will be a bookstore purchase but more than likely, it will be an ice cream cone!
I started taking the kids to the Library more this summer (we ride our bikes!!!). They love being able go through all of them books to find one they like. They post their receipts in their "lockers" in the playroom so they know when to return them. It really is so nice for them to realize that not everything we have is bought. And its a little easier for me and the wallet (kids books are so expensive).